Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Future Work

If I had more time in the future to work on this Revit Model, I would like to research into creating a ribbon function for my mass model parametric intent. I have different parametric options for the user to choose from in the mass model and I would like to be able to put the interface to the parametric paths within the project user interface. By doing this, I would be able to guide the user better by creating drop down menus, buttons, input prompts, etc. to creating their customized mass model.
I believe the first step to doing this is by researching the methods to creating a ribbon panel with Revit API. The first resource I found was from the Revit 2011 API Developers Guide which has a enormous list of Revit API tools and functions that can assist with Revit API. The guide has a sections on ribbon panels to where they use functions called “Pushbutton”, “PulldownButton” and “Text Box” which creates the tools needed for me to create the parametric user interface. Other sites like Spiderinnet’s Blog and Autodesk Wikihelp has many tutorials that can assist me in developing the ribbon panel.

Autodesk (2010). “Revit 2011 API Developer Guide.” <http://www.scribd.com/doc/67901685/Revit-2011-API-Developer-Guide>. (4/16/2012).

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